Table 3: Summary of hysteroscopic resection main features.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy
Indications Stable and effective control of symptoms and mass removal in symptomatic women wishing to attain future pregnancies.
Selection Submucosal fibroids/Intramural fibroids protruding into the uterine cavity more than 50%. Lesions with diameter < 4 cm.
Advantages Myomectomy:
   - Effective.
   - Well tolerated (good QoL).
   - Good fertility potentials.
Hysteroscopy over Laparoscopy and Laparotomy:
   - Lower traumatic impact.
   - Shorter recovery time.
   - Lower analgesic dose.
   - Faster return to daily activities.
   - No cutaneous scar.
   - Lower risk of complications.
Adverse Events Because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedures, adverse events of myomectomy are very rare and of little impact.