Table 1: Questionnaire administered to the patient.

1) Dysmenorrhea: Abdominal or pelvic pain during menstruation
Answer Score
No pain Absent 0
Reduced earning capacity Slight 1-2
Occasional absence from work Moderate 3-4
Inability to usual activities Serious 5-10
2) Dyspareunia: Deep pain during sexual intercourse
Answer Score
No pain Absent 0
Tolerate pain Slight 1-2
Pain that requires the termination of sexual intercourse Moderate 3-4
Inability to usual activities Serious 5-10
3) Non-menstrual pelvic pain
Answer Score
No pain Absent 0
Occasional pelvic pain Slight 1-2
Pain relevant for most of the cycle Moderate 3-4
Persistent pain throughout the cycle Serious 5-10
4) Dischezia: Pain during defecation
Answer Score
No pain Absent 0
Occasional rectal pain Slight 1-2
Pain relevant for most of the cycle Moderate 3-4
Rectal pain persisting throughout the cycle Serious 5-10
5) Dysuria: Pain while urinating
Answer Score
No pain Absent 0
Voiding occasional pain Slight 1-2
Pain relevant for most of the cycle Moderate 3-4
Bladder pain persisting throughout the cycle Serious 5-10