Table 4: The Attitude of Nurses towards IVF

S/N Attitude Responses SA A U D SD *Mean Acceptance Mean
1. IVF should be encouraged 56 52 6 1 1 3.4 Positive
2 Against any technique that experiments with human beings 1 12 52 48 1 1.7 Negative
3. IVF should be used to select the sex of the child 20 36 14 40 6 2.2 Negative
4. A child produced by IVF will not be healthy 0 10 48 54 1 1.6 Negative
5. Single women should be given access to IVF 1 20 36 42 14 1.5 Negative
6. We do not need IVF in Nigeria 1 0 56 60 1 1.5 Negative
7. IVF is too expensive and so could not be recommended for any body 4 8 52 52 6 1.6 Negative
8. Children produced via IVF behave abnormally 0 0 66 50 1 1.6 Negative

Acceptance mean (X)=? fx

The *grand mean Score (items 1-8) = 2.2