Table 6: Examples of events likely to occur and their influence on oxidative stress.

Disease, syndrome or treatment Main consequences
Inflammation WBC production of ROS, increased energy needs
Clotting O2 and energy consumption, increased glycolysis and proteolysis, inflammation
Atherosclerosis Increased lipid metabolism, ischemia
Diabetes Increased polyol pathway, proteins glycation
Ischemia Mitochondrial dysfunction, lipid peroxydation, arachidonic acid catabolism, inflammation
Cancers Toxic agents, ischemic areas, increased metabolic needs, inflammatory responses
Chemo or radiotherapy Cytolysis, release of ROS, impairment of food intake
Surgery Tissue inflammation, ischemia, foreign materials

Ischemia reperfusion, healing process
Anesthetics Renal or hepatic toxicity, cell repair, variations of pO