Table 1: Characteristics of individuals diagnosed with both narcolepsy and PCOS.

Age (yrs) BMI kg/m2 EDS (ESS) Cataplex y HH Sleep paralysis PSG/MSLT HLA testing CSF hypocretin level Other medical problems PCOS presentation and biochemical screening
Presented Case 16 32.6 + (17) + - + PSG: SL = 3 mins; REM Latency = 57 MSLT: SL = 4.5; 2 SOREMs Not done PCOS, high HbA1C, overweight, stomach problems and hypothyroidism Irregular menses, increased facial, hands and back hair, elevated testosterone 92 ng/dl decreased 17-hydroxypregnenolone 29 elevated insulin levels 34.7 IU/ml
Peraita-Adrados R, et al. [8] 10 23.5 + + - - PSG - no OSA MSLT: SL = 1 min; 4 SOREMs + HLA DQB1*0602 Undetectable (< 40) PCOS. arachnoid cyst, empty sella, congenital hip dislocation, MDD, precautious puberty, academic problems Amenorrhea with previous signs of precocious puberty, hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinaemia. ultrasound showing polycystic ovaries
Konermann M, et al. [9] 25 40.9 +(19) unknown unknown unknown PSG: SL = 3 mins; REM Latency = 5 min MSLT: SL = 0-2 min; 4 SOREMs + HLA-DR 15 Not done PCOS, Mild OSA (AHI = 15.4) Oligomenorrhea, infertility indicating oligo or an-ovulation, obesity, hirsutism, elevated testosterone 134.2 ng/dl, increased insulin of 489 m U/L and C-peptide protein > 14
Yau MM, et al. [10] 14 + (Not done) + + + PSG: Normal MSLT: SL = 11.2 min; No SOREMs with modafinil Not done Not done PCOS, obesity, insulin resistance obesity, insulin resistance

BMI: Body Mass Index; EDS: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness; HH: Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucination; PSG: Polysomnography; MSLT: Mean Sleep Latency Test; HLA: Human Leucocyte Antigen; PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Disease; Hb: Hemoglobin; MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; SL: Sleep Latency; SL MSLT: Sleep Latency in Mean Sleep Latency Test Naps; OSA: Obstructive Sleep Apnea.