Table 1: The prevalence of obesity (categorized by BMI and WC) in Qataris adults who participated in STEP wise survey.

Characteristis Ages 18-64 Ages < 40 Ages ≥ 40
Mean or % (95% CI) Mean or % (95% CI) Mean or % (95% CI)
Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females
Body Mass Index (Kg/m2) 29.2 28.8 29.5 28.1 28.6 28.5 31.1 29.5* 33.0**
(28.8-29.6) (28.3-29.4) (29.0-30.1) (27.7-28.5) (28.1-29.2) (28.0-29.0) (30.7-31.4) (29.0-30.0) (32.4-33.5)
Waist Circumference (cm) - 99.9 90 - 98.3 86.2 - 104** 100.4**
(98.0 - 101.9) (88.3-91.6) (96.8-99.8) (85.0-87.3) (102.7-105.2) (99.0-101.8)
Obesity (Based on BMI) 41.4% 39.5% 43.2% 34.1% 35.4% 35.6% 54.7% 39.8% 63.2%**
(38.8-44.0) (35.5-43.6) (40.1-46.3) (33.6-34.5) (31.4-39.3) (32.3-38.9) (54.1-55.3) (35.5-44.1) (59.5-67.0)
Obesity (Based on WC) - 46.7% (43.6-49.9) 58.6% (55.9-61.3) - 40.1% (35.9-44.4) 42.4% (38.7-46.2) - 54.33%** (49.7-58.8) 77.3%** (73.7-80.5)

*- group with age ≥ 40 is significantly different from age < 40 at p < 0.05.
** -group with age ≥ 40 significantly different from the age group < 40 at p < 0.001