Table 1: Comparative genetics of endochondral ossification/osteoarthritis.


Gene or pathway

Role in Endochondral Ossification

Implication in OA

Selected references

Col10a1 (type X collagen)

Secreted by hypertrophic chondrocytes

Increase in type X collagen as chondrocytes lose their ‘articular cartilage identity’ and become hypertrophic and calcified



Secreted by cells in the perichondrium, acts to keep chondrocytes proliferating and to prevent differentiation

Increased production of PTHrP by synovial fibroblasts in human OA, although decreased levels of PTH1R (its receptor) in rabbit OA

[42 and reviewed in 43]


Stimulates chondrocyte hypertrophy and osteoblast differentiation

Upregulated in cartilage during early stages of OA



Transcriptionally activates Runx2

Highly expressed in OA cartilage, overexpression leads to cartilage destruction


Mmp-13 (Collagenase 3)

Required in the growth plate to prevent premature hypertrophy

Increased expression in OA cartilage leading to catabolism of Type II cartilage



Required for expression of a number of cartilage specific genes, including type II collagen

Levels are decreased in OA. Reintroduction of Sox9 leads to increased synthesis of cartilage matrix



Required for correct cartilage development and joint placement

SNPs in Gdf5 associated with disease onset in multiple cohorts



Expressed during chondrocyte condensation and promotes chondrocyte maturation

SNPs in Frzb associated with OA in some cohorts but not in others


Hedgehog signalling

Indian Hedgehog is produced by prehypertrophic chondrocytes and regulates both hypertrophic differentiation and chondrocyte proliferation

Increased hedgehog (Hh) signalling levels lead to increased OA severity, modulation of Hh signalling can reduce OA severity


Bmp and TGFbeta

Antagonistic interactions in the growth plate in the control of chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy

Implicated in osteophyte formation



Endochondral ossification, mutations lead to vertebral fusions changes and growth plate dynamics

Increased expression in osteoarthritic cartilage



Important for normal differentiation and spatial organization of growth plate chondrocytes

Reduced expression in OA cartilage. Heterozygotes show higher levels of MMP13 and reduced tensile stiffness in articular cartilage. COL11A1 significantly associated with OA.


Chondroitin sulfatases

Designate early stages of stem/progenitor cell differentiation

CHST11 identified as an OA susceptibility gene via GWAS


Syndecan 4

Expressed during chondrocyte differentiation. Its deficiency inhibits chondrocyte proliferation

Mediates matrix degradation by controlling ADAMTS-5 through direct interaction with the protease and through regulating MAPK-dependent synthesis of MMP-3.



Transcription factor induced by Gdf5. Involved in maintaining chondrocyte differentiation and inhibiting maturation to hypertrophy

Conditional Erg mouse mutants at the joint are more susceptible to OA defects in aging and following surgically-induced OA
