Table 2: Available guidelines on the management of LTBI in People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

Guidelines Whom to treat (Activediseasemustbe excludedbefore initiating preventive treatment in all guidelines) Regimens (dose cf Table 1)
WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis Module 1: Prevention Tuberculosis preventive treatment [39] Adults and adolescents living with HIV: On antiretroviral treatment, to pregnant women and to those who have previously been treated for TB Infants aged < 12 months: In contact with a person with TB. Children aged ≥ 12 months: If they live in a setting with high TB transmission, regardless of contact with TB. Preferred - 6 or 9 month INH - or a 3-month regimen of weekly Rifapentine plus Isoniazid - or a 3 RH daily alternatives - 1-month regimen of daily Rifapentine plus Isoniazid - or 4- month of daily rifampicin In settings with high TB transmission and an unknown or a positive LTBI test: 36 months of daily INH
BHIVA guidelines for the management of TB in adults living with HIV [40] - Positive IGRA - If first and repeat IGRAs are either indeterminate or borderline, the clinician should use clinical judgement testing for, and treatment of, LTBI for all HIV-positive individuals who are close contacts of people with infectious TB, against testing for LTBI in individuals who have been treated for active TB. 6 -month of Isoniazid plus pyridoxine; or 3 -month of Isoniazid plus rifampicin plus pyridoxine.
EACS 2019 [41] TST > 5 mm or positive IGRA or close contacts to persons with sputum smear positive tuberculosis. - 6-9 month (9-month duration in high-prevalent TB countries) daily Isoniazid: 5 mg/kg (max 300 mg) + pyridoxine 25 mg Or - 4- month daily Rifampicin: 600 mg po or rifabutin po, Or - 3- month daily RH: Rifampicin 600 mg po or rifabutin po: - without PIs, EFV, RPV: 5 mg/kg (usual dose 300 mg) - with PIs 150 mg qd - with EFV 450 -600 mg qd - with TAF or EVG/c Not recommended + Isoniazid 5 mg/kg/day (max 300 mg) + pyridoxine (Vit B6) 25 mg/day Or - 3 -month rifampicin 600 mg x 2/week po + Isoniazid 900 mg x 2/week po + pyridoxine (300 mg x 1/ week po Or - 3 -month/ weekly Rifapentine 900 mg + Isoniazid 900 mg - 1-month daily Rifapentine 450 mg (< 45 kg) or 600 mg (> 45 kg) + Isoniazid 300 mg + pyridoxine 25 mg
Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV [22] Positive screening test for LTBI, with no evidence of active TB, and no prior treatment for active TB or LTBI
Close contact with a person with infectious TB, with no evidence of active TB, regardless of screening test results.
Preferred Therapy: 9 -month - Isoniazid 300 mg PO daily + pyridoxine 25-50 mg PO daily Alternative: - 12 weeks/once weekly Rifapentine (32.1-49.9kg: 750 mg > 50 kg: 900 mg) + Isoniazid 15 mg/kg (900 mg maximum) + pyridoxine 50 mg. Rifapentine is only recommended for patients receiving an Efavirenz- or Raltegravir-based ART regimen. - 4 month daily Rifampicin Adults:10 mg/kg Children: 15-20 mg/kg Maximum dose: 600 mg
Prise en charge médicale des personnes vivant avec le VIH Infections chez l'adulte : prophylaxies et traitements curatifs (juillet 2018) (France) [42] Positive IGRA 9 - month daily Isoniazid (4-5 mg/kg) + vit B6 (250 mg) or 3 -month daily Isoniazid (4-5 mg/kg) + vit B6 (250 mg) + Rifampicin (10 mg/kg)
Manuel de la lutte antituberculeuse A l'usage des personnels médicaux (Algeria) [36] Not recommended None
Guide national de prise en charge thérapeutique de l'infection à VIH 2017 (Algeria) [37] Not recommended Primary prophylaxis is NOT indicated for HIV-infected patients None