Table 2: Relation between lethality of infectious diseases and HIV status.

Lethality (%) P
Infectious diseases VIH- VIH+
Nervous system infections 27.8 66.7 < 10-3
Malaria 30.8 48.2 0.003
Urinary tract infections 17.6 30.4 0.4
Sexually Transmitted Infections 0.0 33.9 -
Diarrhoeal diseases 46.2 28.2 0.4
Tuberculosis 61.2 49.1 0.1
Sepsis 54.5 72.0 0.5
Parasitic diseases 16.7 46.7 0.4
Viral Hepatitis 45.5 63.3 0.5
Tetanus 35.3 0.0 -
Other viral diseases 7.5 62.5 < 10-3
ORL Infections 25.0 16.7 0.9
Eyes Infections 0.0 0.0 -
Acute respiratory Infections 25.0 39.7 0.01
Cardiac Infections 9.1 55.3 0.005
Suppurations 33.3 47.6 0.4