Table 4: Costs of health care and indirect costs of production losses and gained QALY with the alternative vaccination strategies

and current schedule, and ICER for each strategy in comparison with today's schedule.

Current schedule Cocooning Maternal On-schedule vaccination
Direct health care costs 613 205 € 320 863 € 199 648 € 294 822 €
Cost for intervention - 2 024 476 € 1 012 238 € 306 667 €
Indirect costs 95 528 € 49 985 € 31 102 € 42 644 €
Total costs 708 732 € 2 395 324 € 1 242 988 € 644 132 €
QALY 109 079 109 086 109 087 109 085
Incremental costs (euro) 1 686 591 € 534 255 € - 64 601 €
Incremental QALY 7.01 8.04 5.97
ICER (euro) 240 465 € 66 340 € Dominant