Table 2: Median (Md), Lower Quartile (LQ), and Upper Quartile (UQ) of respondents’ knowledge, attitude, awareness and practice scores, and percentages of respondents’ correct or favourable responses.

Category Question % (proportion) correct or favourable answer


Possible range 0-6

Score range 2-4

Median (Md) 3

Lower Quartile (LQ) 2

Upper Quartile (UQ) 4

What is the serum conversion rate secondary to a needlestick injury from a patient who is positive for HIV? 32 (48/150)
What is the serum conversion rate secondary to a needlestick injury from a patient who is positive for Hepatitis C? 52 (79/150)
What is the serum conversion rate secondary to a needlestick injury from a patient who is positive for Hepatitis B? 10 (15/150)
For how long does Hepatitis B immunisation (full course) remain effective? 52 (79/151)
What would you do if you find a used needle on the floor after you have closed the sharps box? 85 (129/150)
If you need to separate a needle from a syringe, how do you do it? 34 (50/148)


Possible range 0-4

Score range 2-3

Md 3

LQ 2

UQ 3

As a medical student, how concerned are you about contracting a blood borne pathogen through your work? 89 (135/152)
How user friendly is your local hospital's sharps policy and procedures? 62 (94/102)
Do you think that an incident report should be completed following a needlestick injury with new/unused sharps? 32 (49/149)
Do you think that an incident report should be completed following a needlestick injury with used sharps? 97 (147/148)


Possible range 0-6

Score range 3-5

Md 4

LQ 2

UQ 5

Are you aware of your current hepatitis B status? 96 (147/150)
Does your hospital have a sharps injury prevention program to prevent needlestick and sharps injuries occurring? (E.g. may include Sharps training, Disposal, Management & Follow-up incidents) 64 (98/146)
Are you aware of your local hospital's sharps policy and procedures? 12 (19/148)
Is there a designated person/department responsible for responding to sharps related incidents? 43 (66/151)
Who would you contact first if you were injured by a sharps injury? 96 (147/152)


Possible range 0-2

Score range 1-2

Md 1

LQ 1

UQ 2

How often do you use sharps containers to dispose of needles? 89 (136/151)
How often do you recap needles? 44 (68/149)