Table 1: Zoonotic bacterial etiology in the united states.

Genus Species Disease Pathogen Structure
B melitensis, B abortus, B suis, and B canis
Campylobacter spp
C, jejuni, C. fetus,
C. hyointestinalis, C. upsaliensis, C. lari (javid&Ahmed 2016), Ph England 2013)
Brucellosis [63].

Enteric Campylobacter infections produces inflammatory,
and sometimes bloody diarrhea or dysentery syndrome [19].

Gram negative coccobacilli

Gram negative rods
S typhi, S paratyphi-A, S schottmuelleri, S choleraesuis,
S typhimurium, and S enteritidis
S typhi, S paratyphi-A,
and S schottmuelleri cause enteric fever.
S schottmuelleri produces septicemia and focal infections.
S typhimurium and S enteritidis produce gastroenteritis [63].
Bacteria Gram negative, bacilli
S dysenteriae, S sonnei , S boydii, S flexneri
S. dysenteriae
cases hemolytic –uremic syndrome, S. Flexneri causes dysentery diarrhea with a post complication of arthritis.
S sonnei causes watery diarrhea [63].
Bacteria Gram negative rods
Leptospira interrogans Septospirosis Causing bacteremia [63]. Bacteria Gram negative spirochete
Borrelia recurrentis (louse borne),
B hermsii),
B turicatae, B miyamotoi, B parkeri, B hispanica , B crocidurae
(tick borne)
Relapsing fever bacteremia [63]. Bacteria Gram negative spirochete
Spirillum Rat bite fever [63]. Bacteria Gram negative
Francisella tularensis Tularemia with high fever, toxemia and acute septicemia [63]. Bacteria Gram negative coccobacilli
P multocida ,
P haemolytica
Life threatening pneumonia. Abscesses and edema with fibrosis.
P haemolytica infects cattle and horses [63].
Bacteria Gram negative coccobacilli
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax [63]. Bacteria Gram-positive rod-shaped