Table 4: Major reasons, for not discussing with their parent in HIV/AIDS prevention and related issues in Kemebata Temebaro Zone, February 2012.

Topics of discussion

N (%) not discussed

Reason for not discussing either of their parents

Culturally unacceptable

Religiously not allowed

Being  shy

Lack of knowledge

by Parents

Lack of communication

skill by Parents


255 (33.2%)            

89 (34.9%)      

61 (23.9%)   

122 (48%)

87 (34.1%)    

60 (23.5%)

Sexual intercourse

423 (55.1%)     

175 (41.1%)

204 (48%)   

254 (60%)    

100 (23.6%)    

76 (8%)

Premarital sex

487 (63.5%)      

168 (34.5%)    

206 (42.3%    

264 (54%)    

133 (27.3%)  

69 (14.2%)


** Percentage exceeds 100% due to multiple responses