Table 1: Survey questions and responses [n (%)].

Significantly less effective

A little less effective

About as effective

A little more effective

Significantly more effective

1. How effective do you believe the DASH diet is, for an adherent patient, at lowering BP compared to adding a medication?

3 (6)

14 (29)

24 (49)

5 (10)

3 (6)

Not a factor

Minor factor

Somewhat significant factor

Very significant factor

2. What patient characteristics make you less likely to recommend DASH diet or other dietary therapy to reduce blood pressure?

Low income

6 (13)

5 (31)

19 (40)

8 (17)

Lack of familial support

6 (13)

16 (33)

17 (35)

9 (19)

Low health literacy

2 (4)

17 (34)

18 (37)

12 (25)

Very high BP so diet not likely to be sufficient

4 (8)

11 (22)

21 (43)

13 (27)

High complexity/concurrent disease states

4 (8)

11 (22)

20 (41)

14 (29)

Perceived low ability of patient to implement DASH diet

0 (0)

6 (12)

22 (45)

20 (41)

Perceived low patient motivation

2 (4)

4 (8)

19 (40)

24 (50)

Not a factor

Minor factor

Somewhat significant factor

Very significant factor

3. What barriers do you face in practice that prevents you from providing DASH diet education?

Personal lack of belief in DASH effectiveness

31 (65)

12 (25)

4 (8)

1 (2)

Lack of formal training on the DASH diet

12 (25)

18 (38)

11 (23)

7 (15)

Lack of dietitian to whom I can refer

16 (33)

8 (17)

10 (21)

14 (29)

Lack of patient-directed educational resources

6 (13)

10 (21)

17 (35)

15 (31)

Lack of time to explain

4 (8)

10 (21)

16 (33)

18 (38)

Rarely or never use

Occasionally use

Frequently use

4. What resources do you currently use to recommend DASH diet, if any?

Verbal education of diet during visit

4 (8)

26 (53)

19 (39)

Electronic resources currently available in Epic

22 (45)

14 (29)

13 (27)


20 (41)

22 (45)

7 (14)

Printed materials describing the DASH diet available through my practice site

29 (59)

17 (35)

3 (6)


32 (65)

14 (29)

2 (4)

Printed materials describing the DASH diet I have personally collected

41 (84)

5 (10)

1 (2)

Not useful

Somewhat useful

Very useful

5. What resources would you most find useful to provide DASH diet and other lifestyle advice?

Additional training on the DASH diet

16 (33)

19 (39)

14 (29)

List of good websites

10 (20)

17 (35)

22 (45)

Printed materials that I could hand to patients

3 (6)

17 (35)

29 (59)

Access to dietitian for patient referrals

0 (0)

8 (16)

40 (82)

Electronic resources in Epic to add to AVS or print

0 (0)

6 (12)

43 (88)

Not appropriate

Somewhat inappropriate

Somewhat appropriate

Very appropriate

6. How appropriate are the following processes for implementing dietary education for eligible patients in your practice?

All HTN/pre-HTN patients have a visit with their PCP to specifically discuss DASH diet

11 (22)

11 (22)

21 (43)

6 (12)

All HTN/pre-HTN patients receive a referral to a dietician or group class led by a dietician

4 (8)

10 (20)

26 (53)

9 (18)

All HTN/pre-HTN patients receive brief (2 min) description of the DASH diet, plus written materials during HTN or preventive visit

1 (2)

3 (6)

17 (35)

28 (57)

HTN/pre-HTN patients who express interest and motivation to receive a referral to a dietician group class led by a dietician

0 (0)

1 (2)

6 (12)

42 (86)