Table 2: Association between NFI and cognitive changes using Multiple Linear regression.

Part A: For those cases without high blood pressure or on medication.

Variables B SE Standardized B P-Value
Age -0.525 0.089 -0.194 0.001
Education (years) 0.449 0.161 0.102 0.006
3MS (baseline) 0.877 0.071 0.497 0.001
NFI (continuous) -0.616 0.122 -0.181 0.001

Note: Gender was not significant and removed from final model.

Part B: For those cases with high blood pressure.

Variables B SE Standardized B P-Value
Age -0.618 0.181 -0.254 0.001
3MS (baseline) 0.851 0.138 0.508 0.001
NFI (continuous) -0.571 0.255 -0.184 0.001

Note: Gender and year of education were not significant and removed from final model.