Table 1: Demographic characteristics and cognitive status of the sample by the Levels of NFI.

Levels of NFI 0-4 5-10 11-18 ≥ 19 P-value
Age 77.03 (6.06) 80.31 (6.32) 82.34 (7.10) 82.1 (7.22) 0.001
Male (%) 99 (50.8) 191 (47.6) 100 (33) 25 (25.5) 0.001
Education (years) 10.63 (4.23) 8.87 (3.74) 8.28 (3.98) 6.78 (3.94) 0.001
3MS-CSHA1 88.73 (8.33) 82.89 (9.6) 78.48 (9.61) 71.95 (9.63) 0.001
3MS-CSHA2 85.34 (13.09) 78.26 (15.32) 67.03 (18.27) 57.45 (22.15) 0.001
NFI; mean (SD) 2.65 (1.22) 7.18 (1.57) 13.27 (2.26) 22.28 (3.72) 0.001