Table 2: Evaluation of possible pulmonary disease.

1 2 3 4 5
Transthoracic Echocardiography Mild pulmonary hypertension No evidence of pulmonary hypertension Moderate pulmonary hypertension,
severly reduced RV function
Mild pulmonary hypertension Moderate pulmonary hypertension
CT Chest Honycombing and reticular changes
consistent with mild interstitial lung disease
Enlarged pulmonary arteries, no interstitial changes Ground glass opacities and diffuse interstitial markings,
consistent with fibrotic changes
No interstitial changes -
Pulmonary Function Tests Mild restriction without air trapping
FEV1/FVC 83%
DLCO 80%
- Severe gas transfer Defect
FEV1/FVC 83%
DLCO 45%
- -

CT: computed tomography; FEV: forced expiratory volume; FVC: forced vital capacity; DLCO: diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide.