Table 2: Comparative statistics of assembled unigenes of present transcriptome dataset with the previously reported.

Nucleotides length (nt) Present transcriptome dataset Previously reported [10]
Contigs Contigs percent (%) Unigenes Unigenes percent (%) Unigenes Unigenes
100-200 - - - 48,516 31.62
201-300 79,439 22.29 - - 53,121 34.63
301-400 41,830 11.74 - - 23,266 15.17
401-500 26,408 7.4 14,970 22.6 11,801 7.7
501-600 19,594 5.49 9,618 14.48 6,589 4.29
601-700 15,758 4.42 6,683 10.06 3,824 2.49
701-800 13,599 3.82 4,823 7.26 2,226 1.45
801-900 12,543 3.52 3,735 5.62 1,408 0.92
901-1000 11,656 3.27 2,986 4.49 876 0.57
> 1000 135,444 34.32 23,567 35.47 1,787 1.17
Total number 66,382 153,414
Total nucleotides length (nt) 361,767,712 71,350,824 46,675,114
Maximum length (nt) 38,471 38,471 20,230
Mean length (nt) 1,015 1074.85 304
N50 (nt) 1,657 1,408 321