Table 1: Pfs ingredients, standardization and in vivo Cyp3a4 modulation.

PFS-1 Composition* In vivo CYP3A4 Modulation Standardization of Active Compounds PFS-2 Composition# In vivo CYP3A4 Modulation Standardization of Active Compounds
Ginkgo biloba L. dried extract from leaves CYP3A inhibition in rats [16,17]; slight CYP3A induction in humans [18,19]; CYP3A4 inhibition in humans [20] 24% Ginkgo flavonoids, 5% terpenes lattons Perilla frutescens L. dried extract from leaves and seeds 2.5% total polyphenols
Schisandra chinensis Turcz. dried extract from fruits CYP3A4 induction in rats [21] 5% schizandrin Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi root extract Baicalin inhibits CYP3A4 in rats [22] 30% baicalein
Camellia sinensis Kuntze (green tea) CYP3A inhibitor [23]; potent inhibitor CYP3A4 [24,25] 95% total polyphenols Citrus x sinensis L. The aglycone of hesperidin (hesperetin) inhibitis CYP3A4 in rats [26] 60% hesperidin

*Composition included vitamin B12 (0.1%) and DL-phosphoserine; #Composition included quercetin and maltodestrine from Zea mays L.