Table 1: Highest annual percent of incidence and prevalence of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) in the principal areas of the world.

Continent Incidence Prevalence
Europe1 0.243 (UC)
0.127 (CD)
5.05 (UC)
3.22 (CD)
North America1 0.192 (UC)
0.202 (CD)
2.486 (UC)
3.18 (CD)
Asia and Middle East1 0.063 (UC)
0.05 (CD)
1.683 (UC)
0.679 (CD)
Australia 0.174 (UC)1
0.293 (CD)1
0.16 (UC)2
0.14 (CD)2

1Ref. 5; 2Data from the Final IBD Reportof Australian Crohn's and Colitis Association (ACCA) 2007.