Table 6: Counseling and communication with health providers during ANC among mothers in Delanta district, south Wollo, north east Ethiopia March 2018.

Variables Frequency (n = 557) Percent (%)
Did the providers explain your health condition with terms that you able to understand?
Yes 502 90.1
No 55 9.9
Did the providers explain what to expect during labor and delivery?
Yes 494 88.7
No 63 11.3
Did the health providers listened to your questions or concerns? 11.7
Yes 480 86.2
No 77 13.8
Did the providers respect you?
Yes 516 92.6
No 41 7.4
Did the provider kept protected your privacy during the examinations?
Yes 498 89.4
No 59 10.6
How long was the time you spent in waiting to get ANC services?
< 30 minute 460 82.6
30-60 minute 66 11.8
I don’t know 31 5.6
Did you get advice about the need to have delivery at health facilities?
Yes 541 97.1
No 16 2.9
When did you get the advice?
During ANC visit 319 57.3
During home visit by HEW 209 37.5
During contact with TBA 29 5.2