Table 4: Distribution past obstetrics history of the mothers in Delanta district, south Wollo, north east Ethiopia, March 2018.

Variables Frequency (n = 557) Percent (%)
Age at first marriage
15-19 335 60.1
20-24 133 23.9
25-29 23 4.1
30-34 1 -
I don't know 65 11.7
Age at first pregnancy
15-19 182 32.7
20-24 242 43.4
25-29 65 11.7
30-34 1 -
>= 35 2 -
I don't know 65 11.7
Gravida of the mothers
1 168 30.2
2-4 305 54.8
5 and above 84 15.1
Parity of the mothers
1 167 30.0
2-4 309 55.5
55.5 81 14.5
Have you experienced prolonged labor?
Yes 139 25
No 418 75