Table 5: Health facilities and health care providers and utilization of postnatal care service utilization in Shebe Woreda, Jimma zone, Oromiya region, Ethiopia, 2018.

Variable Number Percent
Time taken from mother’s home to health facility 2 hr 317 58.3
> 2 hr 227 41.7
Place of delivery Home 112 20.6
Health Center 320 58.8
Health Post 32 5.9
Hospital 80 14.7
Delivery attendants Health profession 320 73.3
HEW 56 10.3
TBA 89 16.4
Having appointment for PNC Yes 265 48.7
No 279 51.3
Advised possible postpartum complications by health profession Yes 306 56.3
No 238 43.8
Advised possible newborn complications by health profession Yes 314 57.7
No 230 42.7