Table 4: The main reasons (barrier) mothers why they did not attend PNC services after delivery, in Shebe Woreda, Jimma Zone, and Oromiya, Ethiopia, 2018 (N = 544).

Variable Yes No
No % No %
Culture 117 21.5 427 78.5
Waiting for falling off of baby’s cord stump 139 25.6 405 74.4
To have enough energy 128 23.5 416 76.5
Pregnancy unplanned 46 8.5 498 91.5
Lack of time 146 26.8 398 73.2
Lack of guardians for my children 83 15.3 461 84.7
Waiting the service kill the time 55 10.1 489 89.9
Lack information (advice) 142 26.1 402 73.9
Health professionals were not care client in good manner 44 8.1 500 91.9