Table 3: Type of PNC services provided for mothers after delivery, in Shebe Woreda, Jimma Zone, Oromiya, Ethiopia, 2018 (N = 318).

Type of PNC service Yes No
Frequency % Frequency %
Physical examination for mother 165 30.3 153 48.2
Physical examination for baby 161 50.6 157 49.4
Provision of family planning 252 79.2 66 20.8
Provision of immunization 243 76.4 75 23.6
Advising on danger signs after delivery 142 44.7 176 55.3
Advising on nutrition 144 45.2 174 54.8
Advising on hygiene 143 45 175 55
Advising on breast feeding 147 46.2 171 53.8