Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of the study population.

Characteristics Total N (%) PLWHA N (%) HIV negatives/ignorants N (%) P value
Age 318 (99.4%) 162 (50.94%) 156 (49.06%) 0.000
Mean ± std 36.68 ± 7.85 27.46 ± 7.27
Min 16 16
Max 55 55
Sex 318 (99.4%) 160 (50.31%) 158 (49.69%) 0.303
M 53 (32.7%) 57 (36.08%)
F 109 (67.3%) 101 (63.92%)
Education level 320 (100%) 162 (50.60%) 158 (49.40%) 0.000
No education 6 (3.7%) 4 (2.53%)
Primary 67 (41.3%) 14 (8.86%)
Secondary 71 (43.8%) 64 (40.51%)
University 18 (11.1%) 76 (48.10%)
Job 318 (99.4%) 160 (50.31%) 158 (49.69%) 0.005
Jobless 72 (45%) 95 (60.13%)
With a job 88 (55%) 63 (39.87%)
Matrimonial status 318 (99.4%) 160 (50.31%) 158 (49.69%) 0.000
Married 45 (28.12%) 35 (22.15%)
Free union 36 (22.50%) 26 (16.45%)
Bachelors 56 (35.0%) 97 (61.39%)
Widowers 14 (8.75%) 0 (00%)
Separated 9 (5.62%) 0 (00%)
Religion 320 (100%) 162 (50.60%) 158 (49.40%) 0.615
Catholic 96 (59.2%) 98 (62.03%)
Protestant 27 (16.6%) 32 (20.25%)
Muslim 7 (4.3%) 4 (2.53%)
Other religion 26 (16.0%) 18 (11.39%)
No religion 6 (3.7%) 6 (3.80%)