Table 5: Distribution of monoinfections by gender and etiologic agent.

Viral agent Distribution by gender Total p-value* OR (IC 95%)
Feminine Masculine
Rhinovirus 8.57% (06) 10% (07) 18.57% (13) 1 0.86 (0.2360 - 3.0246)
PIV1 7.14% (05) 4.28% (03) 11.42% (08) 0.5041 1.6859 (0.3250 - 10.9471)
PIV2 24.28% (17) 25.71% (18) 50% (35) 1 0.9475 (0.4497 - 1.9884)
PIV3 2.85% (02) 8.57% (06) 11.42% (08) 0.2861 0.3318 (0.0325 - 1.8730)
Adenovirus 4.28% (03) 4.28% (03) 8.57% (06) 1 1.0061 (0.1337 - 7.5681)

*Fisher exact test.