Table 2: Summary of advantages and disadvantages of various transplant sites that have been evaluated for human islet transplant.

Site Advantage Disadvantage
Intraliver Good vascular supply. Vessel aneurysm, thrombosis.
Acute steatosis.
Incorrect inhibition of glucagon release of transplanted islets.
Limited volume of islets possible.
Spleen Better islet survival and success rate of diabetes reversal in animal models.
Avoids hyperinsulinemia.
Abnormal glucagon response during hypoglycemic eposides.
Omentum Easy surgical accessibility.
Can accommodate larger volume of islets.
Avoids hyperinsulinemia.
Abnormal glucagon response during hypoglycemic eposides.
Intramuscular Good vascularization in the absence of suitable intraliver transplant. Limited volume of islets.
Limited evidence of long term success.
Peritoneal cavity Very large capacity, especially for encapsulated islet transplant. Delay in systemic insulin distribution.
Larger number of islets needed to provide blood glucose control.
Subcutaneous space Easy to access. Limited data on non-encapsulated islet transplant.
Lack of good immediate vascular supply.