Table 7: Statistical distribution metrics of the incremental lifetime cancer risks of arsenic, lead and *BaP in the study area.

Distibution metrics of incremental lifetime cancer risk
Hazards Min Max Mean Mode Median 5th 95th
As 0.00 5.60 × 10-3 7.80 × 10-5 2.30 × 10-7 3.30 × 10-5 1.20 × 10-6 3.00 × 10-4
Pb 0.00 3.35 × 10-5 6.45 × 10-7 1.75 × 10-8 3.20 × 10-8 2.00 × 10-8 2.30 × 10-6
BaP 0.00 1.50 × 1010 1.50 × 105 1.80 × 10-6 1.20 × 10-4 4.00 × 10-6 3.70 × 10-2

*Benzo[a]pyrene was determined as the sum of all the congeners of PAHs present in the sampled vegetables.