Table 2: Triage & Prioritisation of endocrine tumour cases tailored to local case-mix (adapted from ACS).

Endocrine tumour
Thyroid Goiter causing airway compromise
Life-threatening or severely symptomatic Graves' that cannot be controlled medically
Thyroid cancers that are imminently threatening the life or the health of the patient such as those with short double timing or aggressive recurrences
Open biopsy to confirm a suspected diagnosis of anaplastic thyroid cancer or thyroid lymphoma in order to direct appropriate treatment
Parathyroid Hyperparathyroidism with life threatening hypercalcemia not medically controlled
Adrenal Suspected adrenal cortical carcinoma
Pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma that cannot be controlled medically
General Endocrine disorders in pregnant patient that are dangerous to the health of the mother or fetus that cannot be controlled medically