Table 1: Improved Alvarado score (MANTRELS).

Migration 1 point
Hyperesthesia in the RLQ
Massouh sign
Anorexia 1 point
Hamburger test
Nausea/Vomiting 1 point
Tenderness in the RLQ 2 points
Tenderness on percussion in right lumbar area, K-sign, psoas sign, obturator sign
Rebound pain in the RLQ 1 point
Rovsing sign, cough test, inspiration or expiration test, heel drop test,
hop test, pain on walking, pain with jolts or road bumps
Elevation of temperature (37.3 ℃ or more) 1 point
Leukocytosis (> 10.000 cells/mm3) 2 points
Shift to the left 1 point
Stabs or bands (> 5%)
Segmented neutrophils (> 75%)
Headache, body aches, chills -2 points
Total 10 points