Table 4: Preoperative imaging and white blood count in relation to NAR.

Preoperative imaging
Not performed Direct signs of appendicitis Indirect signs of appendicitis Inconclusive information Total
< 10 33% (35/107) 14% (11/81) 33% (1/3) 53% (9/17) 27% (56/208)
10-14.9 10% (30/294) 3% (5/163) 33% (5/15) 39% (9/23) 10% (49/495)
15+ 6% (17/266) 5% (6/131) 25% (2/8) 19% (6/32) 7% (31/437)
Total 12% (82/667) 6% (22/375) 31% (8/26) 33% (24/72) 12% (136/1140)