Table 2: Postoperative outcomes.

Men (n = 75)* Women (n = 28)* p-value
Transplanted 35 (46.7%) 9 (32.1%) 0.18
Death on LVAD support 19 (25.3%) 11 (39.3%) 0.17
Time to transplant (days, n = 44) 279 ± 207 562 ± 374 0.02
Support time (days) 311 ± 329 578 ± 583 0.13
Time inside hospital (days) 48 ± 40 86 ± 134 0.28
Time outside hospital (days) 264 ± 323 492 ± 522 0.12
Longest stay in hospital (days) 6 ± 12 10 ± 19 0.12
Stroke during LVAD support 12 (16.0%) 7 (25.0%) 0.29

*Excluding time to transplant. For this variable, 35 men and 9 women were captured.