Table 1: Core training protocol.

Core Exercises First 4 weeks Second 4 weeks
Warm-up and stretching 10 min walk + static streching 10 min walk + static streching
1. Two legs rises from side on BOSU ball 2 × 15 repeats (rigth side and left side) 3 × 20 repeats (rigth side and left side)
2. Cross sit-up on BOSU ball 2 × 15 repeats 3 × 20 repeats
3. Back extension on BOSU ball 2 × 15 repeats 3 × 20 repeats
4. Quadruped opposite arm-leg raise on BOSU ball 2 × 15 sec (both sides) 3 × 20 sec (both sides)
5. Dynamic glute bridge on a Swiss ball 2 × 15 repeats 3 × 20 repeats
6. Static plank on a Swiss ball 2 × 15 sec 3 × 20 sec