Table 5: Correlations between Physiological Change Scores and Psychological Outcome Change Scores.

Physiological Outcomes
Psychological Responses to Sport Injury Respiration Rate -Resta LF HRV -Resta HF HRV -Resta Total HRV -Resta Respiration Rate -Pacedb LF HRV -Pacedb HF HRV -Pacedb Total HRV -Pacedb
r r r r r r r r
Devastation 0.583** 0.259 0.023 0.257 0.157 -0.339 -0.177 -0.250
Reorganization 0.339 0.000 0.114 0.054 0.198 -0.658** -0.146 -0.471*
Feeling cheated 0.350 0.149 0.112 0.247 0.065 -0.188 -0.101 -0.042
Restlessness 0.433* 0.126 -0.129 0.085 -0.144 -0.132 -0.159 -0.054
Isolation 0.499** 0.300 0.131 0.359 0.224 -0.071 0.137 0.058
Pain Catastrophizing
Rumination 0.396* 0.218 -0.140 0.136 0.186 -0.008 -0.348 -0.093
Magnification 0.424* 0.166 -0.300 -0.009 0.074 -0.286 -0.375 -0.237
Helplessness 0.163 -0.040 -0.358 -0.148 0.271 -0.214 -0.375 -0.441*

Note: an = 27; bn = 25;*p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.