Table 2: Correlation matrix between physical performance tests.

Body mass 10 meter acc Y side step Attacking agility Defensive agility Composite agility SL hop IS90 force IS90 relative CMJ JH CMJ PP CMJ relative power CMJ FT.CT CMJ_ecc CMJ_conc SL hop asymmetry IS90 asymmetry
Body mass 1 0.341 0.569** -0.537** -0.445* -0.573** -0.539** 0.343 -0.411* -0.2 0.662** -0.433* -0.550** -0.25 0.588** 0.315 -0.118
10 meter acc 0.341 1 0.746** -0.477* -0.18 -0.392* -0.726** -0.287 -0.542** -0.638** -0.092 -0.565** -0.367 -0.355 0.02 -0.056 -0.339
Y side step 0.569** 0.746** 1 -0.577** -0.222 -0.472* -0.726** -0.033 -0.434* -0.485** 0.176 -0.498** -0.452* -0.277 0.283 0.051 -0.271
Attacking agility -0.537** -0.477* -0.577** 1 0.490** 0.880** 0.570** -0.045 0.376* 0.225 -0.21 0.412* 0.494** 0.129 -0.499** -0.435* -0.138
Defensive agility -0.445* -0.18 -0.222 0.490** 1 0.845** 0.303 0.075 0.437* -0.004 -0.253 0.265 0.580** -0.232 -0.656** -0.436* -0.098
Composite agility -0.573** -0.392* -0.472* 0.880** 0.845** 1 0.516** 0.015 0.472* 0.142 -0.264 0.402* 0.623** -0.042 -0.663** -0.504** -0.139
SL hop -0.539** -0.726** -0.726** 0.570** 0.303 0.516** 1 0.14 0.532** 0.546** -0.084 0.563** 0.521** 0.195 -0.227 -0.146 0.223
IS90 force 0.343 -0.287 -0.033 -0.045 0.075 0.015 0.14 1 0.697** 0.371 0.535** 0.21 0.001 -0.199 0.152 0.067 -0.002
IS90 relative -0.411* -0.542** -0.434* 0.376* 0.437* 0.472* 0.532** 0.697** 1 0.484** -0.012 0.493** 0.415* -0.032 -0.256 -0.202 0.04
CMJ JH -0.2 -0.638** -0.485** 0.225 -0.004 0.142 0.546** 0.371 0.484** 1 0.532** 0.883** 0.378* 0.265 0.002 0.161 0.176
CMJ PP 0.662** -0.092 0.176 -0.21 -0.253 -0.264 -0.084 0.535** -0.012 0.532** 1 0.380* -0.096 -0.062 0.289 0.347 0.006
CMJ relative power -0.433* -0.565** -0.498** 0.412* 0.265 0.402* 0.563** 0.21 0.493** 0.883** 0.380* 1 0.556** 0.191 -0.374* 0.007 0.154
CMJ FT.CT -0.550** -0.367 -0.452* 0.494** 0.580** 0.623** 0.521** 0.001 0.415* 0.378* -0.096 0.556** 1 -0.09 -0.732** -0.262 0.024
CMJ_ecc -0.25 -0.355 -0.277 0.129 -0.232 -0.042 0.195 -0.199 -0.032 0.265 -0.062 0.191 -0.09 1 0.215 0.274 0.364
CMJ_conc 0.588** 0.02 0.283 -0.499** -0.656** -0.663** -0.227 0.152 -0.256 0.002 0.289 -0.374* -0.732** 0.215 1 0.399* 0.167
SL hop asymmetry 0.315 -0.056 0.051 -0.435* -0.436* -0.504** -0.146 0.067 -0.202 0.161 0.347 0.007 -0.262 0.274 0.399* 1 0.095
IS90 asymmetry -0.118 -0.339 -0.271 -0.138 -0.098 -0.139 0.223 -0.002 0.04 0.176 0.006 0.154 0.024 0.364 0.167 0.095 1

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

Abbreviations and units of measurement: Body mass (kg), 10 meter acc = 10 meter acceleration (s), Y side step (s), attacking agility (%), defensive agility (%), composite agility (%), SL hop = Single Leg repeat hop (cm); IS90 force = Isometric Squat net force (N); IS90 Rel = Isometric Squat Relative force (N per kg body mass); CMJ JH = CMJ Jump Height (m); CMJ PP = CMJ Peak Power (w); CMJ relative power (power per kg body mass); CMJ FT.CT = CMJ Flight Time: Contraction Time ratio (cm per second); CMJ ecc = CMJ eccentric duration (s); CMJ con = CMJ concentric duration (s); SL hop asymmetry = Single Leg hop asymmetry (%); IS90 asymmetry = Isometric Squat asymmetry (%).