Table 2: Correlations between basic data and cognitive function, posture, step length & width and MFC.

Simple assessments
R-Grip L-Grip R-SLS L-SLS Sit-&-reach
Locomotive Step length (mean) 0.004 -0.036 -0.101 -0.066 0.035
Step length (SI) 0.410 0.338 -0.047 -0.006 -0.035
Step width (mean) -0.107 -0.278 -0.0046 -0.015 -0.093
Step width (SI) -0.250 -0.431 0.171 0.216 0.400
DST (mean) -0.109 -0.201 -0.042 0.023 -0.306
DST (SI) -0.313 0.281 0.031 0.049 -0.321
MFC (mean) -0.069 -0.087 0.395 0.345 0.623**
MFC (SD) -0.013 0.203 0.123 0.051 0.509*
MFC (SI) -0.462 -0.685** 0.257 0.294 0.049
Cognitive MMSE 0.072 0.021 0.410 0.451 0.666**
TMT-A 0.009 -0.083 -0.373 -0.411 -0.321
Posture Head forward angle 0.070 0.102 -0.209 -0.191 -0.376
Back symmetry -0.338 -0.308 -0.175 -0.150 -0.316

Note: DST: Double Support Time; MFC: Minimum Foot Clearance; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; TMT-A: Trail Making Test-A; SD: Standard Deviation; SI: Symmetry Index.
Bold indicating p < 0.1; *indicating p < 0.05; **indicating p < 0.01.