Table 2: Percent change in pulmonary function over time in the overall cohort, chest PT and no chest PT groups.

Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 18 months 24 months
n = 77 n = 35 n = 30 n = 32 n = 27 n = 28 n = 26
FVC % predicted All 91 [76,106] 2.5 [-6.9,6.6] 4.0 [-1.3,17.4]** 4.7 [-5.7,15.6] 2.4 [0.0,10.0]* 9.2 [-8.1,18.4] 9.6 [0.5,19.5]**
No Chest PT 100 [84,107] -0.5 [-7.7,8.7] 3.9 [-1.9,28.0] 4.7 [-5.0,23.8] 2.4 [0.9,9.6]* 7.0 [-8.9,14.4] 8.3 [0.9,23.5]
Chest PT 84 [69,103] 4.5 [-6.6,6.2] 4.1[-1.1,16.9]* 4.0 [-6.4,19.7] 1.9 [-1.6,12.3] 11.8 [-8.9,21.1] 11.0 [-1.5,19.5]*
FEV1 % predicted All 84 [67,94] -10.7 [-22.8,0.0] -5.9 [-15.9,0.3] -3.8 [-14.5,6.7] -9.6 [-24.4,1.0] -7.5 [-17.4,3.0] -6.4 [-15.6,4.4]
No Chest PT 88 [72,96] -11.6 [-23.8,-5.5] -10.6 [-19.2,-1.2] -13.7 [-21.4,10.7] -9.8 [-25.8,1.0] -7.5 [-21.3,1.8] -7.0 [-12.4,-0.4]
Chest PT 80 [65,92] -10.6 [-22.5,5.9] -5.8 [-15.6,1.1] -7.8 [-14.2,6.7] -6.9 [-23.6,1.6] -5.5 [-16.8,6.6] -3.5 [-16.3,8.0]
FEV1/FVC % All 71 [64,77] -25.0 [-36.4,0.0] -21.1 [-36.0,-6.3] -26.0 [-37.7,-6.2] -24.3 [-30.8,-11.6] -25.8 [-33.8,-10.8]** -23.5 [-35.6,-5.9]*
No Chest PT 71 [64,80] -30.8 [-37.0,21.6] -34.2 [-36.6,-22.4] -33.3 [-38.4,-19.8] -26.0 [-30.5,-3.5] -25.0 [-40.5,-12.8] -38.8 [-41.5,-18.7]
Chest PT 71 [65,76] -18.1 [-36.2,4.9] -20.2 [-34.9,-2.5] -23.3 [-36.7,-2.9]* -21.2 [-40.0,-11.6] -26.0 [-33.3,-9.6]** -16.0 [-34.5,-2.3]
TLC % predicted All 103 [93,115] 12.0 [0.8,31.8] 8.9 [-2.3,41.2] 19.5 [4.8,41.7] 20.9 [-1.0,40.6] 21.8 [1.5,44.4] 24.0 [-0.3,39.0]
No Chest PT 112 [101,129] 8.2 [-3.1,24.1] 6.7 [2.9,62.0] 19.5 [-0.2,64.2] 23.2 [1.0,96.2] 13.4 [-4.8,-74.0] 13.6 [-2.9,63.2]
Chest PT 100 [88,109] 22.7 [4.9,40.3] 11.1 [-2.7,39.5] 21.0 [5.7,38.2] 15.4 [-1.6,37.5] 24.3 [9.4,43.8]* 26.5 [8.3,38.7]*
RV % predicted All 116 [99,150] 24.0 [-7.4,64.0] 21.8 [-1.4,86.3] 49.1 [10.3,68.3] 41.6 [-2.3,87.2] 32.5 [7.1,88.0] 46.3 [-3.2,77.5]
No Chest PT 120 [109,163] 22.2 [-6.3,58.6] 4.8 [-5.6,97.3] 27.7 [-6.7,111.9] 64.6 [4.9,145.8] 12.5 [5.6,147.8] 28.2 [-9.9,104.0]*
Chest PT 115 [92,131] 26.0 [-11.0,85.1] 31.1 [-26.6,82.6] 53.1 [24.3,68.3]* 31.4 [-3.8,72.6] 38.8 [14.7,87.3] 54.5 [10.8,73.6]

* p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. p value based on Wilcoxon Sum Rank test for paired comparisons. Baseline data displayed as raw data. Follow up data displayed as percent change compared with baseline.
FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; TLC = total lung capacity; RV = residual volume; PT = physical therapy.