Table 2: MR Imaging findings of BCAs, PAs and WTs.

BCA (n = 9) PA (n = 62) P-values (PA vs. BCA) WT (n = 58) P-values (WT vs. BCA)
Right/left side 0.827 0.703
Right side 6 (66.67) 35 (56.45) 31 (53.45)
Left side 3 (33.33) 27 (43.55) 27 (46.55)
Location 0.346 0.430
Superficial lobe 6 (66.67) 42 (67.74) 37 (63.79)
Deep lobe 0 (0) 9 (14.52) 9 (15.52)
Both lobes 3 (33.33) 11 (17.74) 12 (20.69)
Maximum (mm) 22.7 ±9.8 24.8 ±10.0 0.523# 23.5 ±13.4 0.769#
Shape 0.046 0.142
Round/ovoid 9 (100) 37 (59.68) 41 (70.69)
Lobulated 0 (0) 25 (40.32) 17 (29.31)
Capsule 1.000 1.000
Presence 9 (100.00) 60 (96.77) 54 (93.10)
Absence 0 (0) 2 (3.23) 4 (6.90)
T2 SI 0.001 0.13
Hyperintensity 0 (0) 11 (11.74) 0 (0)
Mixed hyper- and hypointensity 2 (22.22) 43 (69.36) 3 (5.17)
Hypointensity 7 (77.78) 8 (12.90) 55 (94.83)
T1 SI 0.426 0.252
Hypointensity 8 (88.89) 59 (95.16) 57 (98.28)
Mixed hypo- and hyperintensity 1 (11.11) 3 (4.84) 1 (1.72)
1 (1.72) 0.124 < 0.001
Marked 9 (100) 43 (69.35) 3 (5.17)
Mild 0 (0) 14 (30.65) 55 (94.83)
Cystic area 0.052 0.056
Irregular 3 (33.33) 4 (6.45) 3 (5.17)
Round/ovoid 3 (33.33) 24 (38.71) 26 (44.83)
Absence (solid) 3 (33.33) 34 (54.84) 29 (50)

Data are expressed as mean ±standard deviation for continuous variables or numbers of lesions with percentages in parentheses. P value by the continuity corrected Chi-square test; P value by Fisher exact test; #P value by Mann-Whitney U test. BCA; Basal cell adenoma; PA: Pleomorphic adenoma; WT: Warthin tumor; SI: Signal intensity; T2: T2-weighted imaging; T1: Fat-suppressed T1 weighted imaging.