Table 1: Cases of URCD reported in the literature with emphasis on radiological imaging features.

Reference Age/Sex FHx BP SC Imaging findings Opposite kidney /other organs Follow up
Hazarika et al. 2014 [8] 49/ Male Negative NL NL CT Diffusely involved with cysts and residual normal renal parenchyma. No enhancing soft tissue component or bands. Normal collecting system. Not involved Not mentioned
Miyamoto et al. 2010 52/ Male Negative NL NL CT Multiple large cysts scattered diffusely. Not involved Follow up
Curry N S et al. 1993 [10] 57/ Male Negative NA NL CT A near complete replacement of affected kidney by cysts of varying sizes and calyceal distortion. 2 small, simple cysts in upper pole CT follow up for 30 years
Bae E H et al. 2013 [9] 51/ Male Negative NA NL CT Revealed enlarged kidney with variable-sized round, well marginated multiple cysts without capsule formation or solid content. MRI
Six months, later showed numerous cysts in the right kidney with no changes according to previous CT
Not involved Follow up by MRI in 6 months
Park B S et al. 2007 [1] 31/ Female Negative NL NL CT Enlarged kidney filled with variable sized multiple cysts with enhancing normal renal tissues between the cysts. MRI
Enlarged kidney with multiple cysts of varying size without capsule formation. There were no solid portions within the cysts and normally enhancing renal parenchyma seen between the cysts.
Not involved Laparoscopic Radical nephrectomy
Hwang D Y et al. 1999 [2] 31/ Male Negative NL NL CT Enlarged kidney, variable size well marginated multiple cysts with no capsule formation. Cysts separate by normal parenchymal bands. 2 simple, cortical cysts. Other organs normal Follow up with creatinine for 18 months
44/ Male Negative High NL Enlarged kidney with variable size multiple cysts separate by enhancing septae Not involved Follow up 15 months with Creatinine
Farinha A et al. 2011 [8] 26/ Female Negative High NL CT Diffusely enlarged kidney containing multiple cysts of varying sizes. Not involved Follow up radiologically for 10 years
Zafar Neyaz et al. 2012 [4] 16/ Male Negative NL NL USS Multiple small, simple cysts with relative sparing of the upper pole parenchyma. MRI
Multiple simple cysts mainly involving middle and inferior polar region of the right kidney without any solid component or thick septae.
Not involved Follow up annually with USS & creatinine
Solack et al. 2013 [6] 16/ Male Negative High NL USS Multiple variable sized cysts in the upper pole of the kidney CT
The upper pole of the right kidney was filled with multiple cysts of different sizes with enhancing normal renal tissue between the cysts. MRI
Upper pole cysts without capsule formation. There were no solid areas within and renal parenchyma between the cysts was normally enhancing DMSA
Decreased renal uptake at the upper half of the right kidney
Not involved Right upper pole hemi nephrectomy to control BP
2 year follow up with USS and creatinine

NOTE - FHx: Family History, BP: Blood Pressure, SC: Serum Creatinine, CT: Computed Tomography, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, USS: Ultrasonography, DMSA: Technetium-99m-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid, NL: Normal and NA: Not Available