Table 2: Detailed results of laboratory tests on first admission to the hospital

Pt # CK [U/L] LDH [IU/L] AST [U/L] ESR [mm/h] IgE [IU/ml] ANA
Normal range 26-192 120-300 0-31 3-12 0-52 -
1 688 wnl 52 32 76 1:160 sp
2 wnl wnl wnl wnl wnl 1:2560 sp/hom
3 13289 2268 756 23 93 1:320 nuc/hom
4 223 wnl wnl wnl 148 1:2560 sp/hom
5 5060 1880 307 28 624 1:80 sp

wnl: Within normal limits, types of ANA fluorescence, sp: Speckled, Nuc: Nucleolar, hom: homogeneous