Table 1: Clinical characteristics of the patients finally diagnosed with JDM

Pt # Gender Age at diagnosis [yrs+mos] Duration of symptoms [mos] Characteristic manifestations Other symptoms Myositis in EMG/Biopsy Medication use
1 Girl 4 4 muscle weakness, movement difficulties, Gottron sign lupus-like butterfly rash EMG + Biopsy + GCS
2 Girl 2+3 nd Gottron sign hair loss nd GCS, HCQ
3 Girl 6 4 muscle weakness, muscle pain, fever, heliotrope rash nil relevant EMG + Biopsy + GCS, MTX
4 Boy 8 9 muscle weakness, heliotrope rash, Gottron sign macular rash on nose, scar-like lesions on hands EMG np Biopsy + GCS, MTX, HCQ, IFX, PAM; finally IVIG, AZA
5 Boy 2+6 nd muscle weakness, muscle pain, fever, heliotrope rash fibromatous tumour in the posterior region of the neck; pneumonia on first admission EMG + Biopsy np GCS, MTX, IVIG; finally ADA, AZA

nd: no data, np: not performed, GCS: Glucocorticosteroids, MTX: Methotrexate, AZA: Azathiopryne, HCQ: Hydroxychloroquine, IFX: Infliximab, ADA: Adalimumab, IVIG: Intravenous Immunoglobulin, PAM: Pamidronate