Table 3: Correlations between the underlying factors.

Em+ Pdp++ SC^ PT^^ Mem** Dep*** Dis+++
Em+ 1
Pdp++ 0.890* 1
SC^ 0.490* 0.434* 1
PT^^ -0.393* -0.395* -0.226* 1
Mem** 0.173 0.231* 0.114 -0.010 1
Dep*** 0.059 -0.055 0.111 0.006 0.171 1
Dis+++ 0.398* 0.330* 0.143 -0.109 0.354* 0.660* 1

*p < 0.05; +Embarrassment; ++Reaction to patient dependency; ^Self-criticism;

^^Positive thinking; **Memory related problems; ***Depression; +++Disruption.