Table 1: CLUFT grading system.

Cranial nerve Grade
VIIth nerve partial 0
VIth and VIIth partial 1
VIth and VIIth complete 2
Additional nerve involvement 3
If bilateral and equal add B
Lower limb
Normal 0
Talipes equinovarus, syndactyly, ankylosis 1
Absent phalanges 2
Longitudinal or transverse deficits 3
Upper limb
Normal 0
Digital hypoplasia or failure of differentiation 1
Ectrodactyly 2
Failure of formation, longitudinal or transverse 3
Facial structure
Normal 0
Cleft palate 1
Micrognathia 2
Microtia, microphthalmia, abnormal joint, etc. 3
Normal 0
Scoliosis 1
Pectoral hypoplasia or breast anomaly 2
Chest wall deformity, breast or pectoral aplasia 3