Table 1: Clinical and radiographic findings in HD-SOD of 66cases diagnosed between 1987-2020.

Reference Case no Age/sex Quadrant Facial asymmetry Skin manifestation Hypodontia Dental abnormality Radiographic bone pattern
Miles, et al. [1] (2 cases) 1 15/M R + Hypertrichosis 1st and 2nd pm All teeth hypoplastic Dense, granular
2 3.5/F L + None None Hypoplastic 1st and 2nd primary molars Granular
Danforth, et al. [2] (8 cases) 3 6/M R NS None 2nd pm Dysplastic primary 1st molar Mottled, ill-defined, radiopaque
4 4/F R + None 1st and 2nd pm Root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
5 8/M L + None 1st, 2nd pm, canine Primary canine and 1st molar dysplastic, root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
6 6/F R NS NS 1st and 2nd pm Primary 1st molar dysplastic, root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
7 12/M R NS NS 2nd pm Root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
8 8/M R + NS 2nd pm Root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
9 6/F L NS NS 1st pm Root resorption Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
10 28/F R NS NS 1st and 2nd pm None Mottled, ill defined, radiopaque
De Salvo, et al. [3] (1 case) 11 7/F L + Lip hypopigmentation 1st and 2nd pm Larger and hypoplastic primary molars root resorption Ill-defined, coarse, irregular pattern elevated sinus floor
Packota, et al. [4] (12 cases) 12 14/M L none Depression of the cheek cleft of the vermillion border 1st and 2nd pm, 3rd molar, impacted 1st and 2nd molars Long 1st primary molar root, obliterated pulp chamber Sclerotic and aligned in a vertical fashion, smaller sinus
(13-23) 5 to 27 (age not given for 5 patients)/7M, 5F 8L/4R NS NS Missing teeth, delayed eruption Enlarged crowns enlarged roots splayed roots root resorption enlarged pulps abnormal spacing Sclerosis thickened trabeculae vertical trabeculation, smaller sinus
Paticoff, et al. [5] (2 cases) 24 23/M R + Hairy nevus 1st pm Hypoplastic teeth Hyperplastic bone
25 7/M R + Hypertrichosis 1st pm missing delayed eruption Hypoplastic teeth Hyperplastic bone
Jones, Ford [6] (1case) 26 7/M L None Becker’s nevus 1st, 2nd pm Root resorption of 1st molar Thickened vertical defect at canine vertically oriented
Prusack, et al. [7] (1 case) 27 3/F R + None 1st, 2nd pm Root resorption of primary molars Ground glass, vertical orientation, smaller sinus (CT)
Velez, et al. [8] (2 cases) 28 3.5/M R NS Hyperpigmentation hypertrichosis NS None None
29 14/F L + None NS None Expansive diffuse radiopaque, sclerosis, thickened bone trabeculae
Becktor, et al. [9] (4 cases) 30 3/F L NS Erythema on left cheek 1st pm, 3rd m (Delayed 1st pm, 1st and 2nd m) Obliterated pulp chambers and root resorption of primary molars Sclerotic, sinus involvement
31 8/M L NS None 2nd pm (Delayed 1st pm, 1st and 2nd m) Splayed roots, obliterated pulp chambers and root resorption of primary molars Sclerotic, sinus involvement (CT), bone scintigraphy (no pathologic activity)
32 2/M L NS Erythema left cheek 1st,2nd pm (Delayed 1st and 2nd m) Splayed roots, obliterated pulp chambers, root resorption of primary molars Sclerotic, no sinus involvement
33 3/M L NS None 1st pm Splayed roots, large pulp cavities of 1st and 2nd primary molars Sclerotic, sinus involvement
Drake [10] (1 case) 34 7/M L + NS 1st, 2nd pm Larger primary molars with atypical morphology Ill-defined, radiopaque
Welsch, et al. [11] (1 case) 35 5/M L + Becker’s nevus 1st, 2nd pm Abnormally shaped and misaligned teeth Subtle coarsening of bone trabeculae
Armstrong, et al. [12] (2 cases) 36 3.5/M L + NS 1st m Enlarged, spaced teeth and hypoplastic upper left deciduous first molar Ill-defined, radiodensity
37 3.5/M L + NS 1st pm Enlarged pulp chambers, Diffuse ill-defined, radiodensity
Gavalda, et al. [13] (1 case) 38 8/M R + NS 2nd pm None None
Bhatia, [15] (1 case) 39 7/M L NS Ectopic eyelashes 1st, 2nd pm None None
Koenig, et al. [16] (1 case) 40 26/F R + Hypertrichosis commissural lip cleft hyperlinear palms erythema 1st, 2nd pm None Sclerotic, ground glass, vertical alveolar defect at distal of canine
Yassin, Rihani [17] (1 case) 41 12/M L + Midfacial diffuse hyperkeratotic erythematous lesion upper lip hypopigmentation unidentifiable vermilion border 2nd pm Enlarged pulps abnormal root morphology of left deciduous and permanent molars Smaller sinus, radiopacity with irregular bone trabecular pattern distal to maxillary left canine
Porwal, et al. [18] (1 case) 42 34/F R + hypertrichosis hypopigmented streak 1st, 2nd pm None Smaller sinus
Özpınar, et al. [19] (1 case) 43 47/F L NS None None None Thickened bone trabeculae
Kuklani, Nair [20] (1 case) 44 4/M L + Hypertrichosis increased fullness of upper lip and cheek erythema 1st and 2nd pm delayed eruption None Trabeculae orientation vertically, thickened bony trabaculae, smaller sinus
Pandey, et al. [21] (1 case) 45 17/F L + Hypertrichosis 1st, 2nd pm None None
Whitt, et al. [22] (5 cases) 46 4/F R None None 1st, 2nd pm Hypoplastic primary 1st molar None
47 14/M R None None None Hypoplastic primary 2nd molar abnormal spacing Sinus involvement, smaller sinus, vertically oriented trabeculae. pattern
48 11/F R None None 1st pm missing teeth delayed eruption Hypoplastic primary 1st m abnormal spacing Ill-defined, radiodensity, granular trabeculae, vertically oriented trabeculae
49 4/M R None None 2nd molar delayed eruption Hypoplastic 1st pm Ill-defined density, smaller sinus, granular trabecular bone
50 9/M R None None 2nd pm delayed eruption Root resorption Sinus involvement, ill-defined, radiodensity vertically oriented trabeculae
Minett, Daley [23] (1 case) 51 5/M R None Hyperpigmentation of right cheek fordyce granules - Primary 1st m dysplastic Hyperostotic ground glass
Friedlander- Barenboim, et al. [24] (1 case) 52 12/M R None Hypertrichosis nevus Canine, premolars, 2nd and 3rd molars Large primary molars root resorption Altered, ill-defined radiopacity sinus involvement (ct available)
Gonzalez-Arrigada, et al. [25] (3 cases) 53 22/F R + Hypertrichosis commissural lip clefting 1st, 2nd pm None Ground glass, ill-defined radiopacity, smaller sinus
54 17/M R + - 1st, 2nd pm None Large and irregular bone trabeculae
55 5/M R + Hypertrichosis unilateral lip clefting 2nd deciduous molar None Altered, ill-defined radiodensity smaller sinus
Shah, et al. [26] (1 case) 56 19/F Midline None Hypertrichosis erythematous lesion - Hypoplastic, yellowish upper incisors abnormal spacing Ill-defined, coarse, irregular trabecular bone pattern
Azevedo, et al. [27] (1 case) 57 6/F R None None 1st, 2nd pm Irregular morphological aspect root resorption Altered, mottled ill-defined radiopacity vertical trabeculae orientation
Rai, et al. [28] (3 cases) 58 45/M R None Hypertrichosis - Root resorption Ill-defined granular bone idiopathic osteosclerosis
59 45/M R None Hypertrichosis 1st m None None
60 24/M R + None - None None
Agrawal, et al. [29] (1 case) 61 13/M L + None Delayed eruption None Altered trabecular pattern, sinus involvement
Smith, et al. [30] (3 cases) 62 14/F L None None 1st pm, 2nd pm Extending to the pulp, dilacered roots Ill-defined, coarse, bone trabeculation, vertically oriented trabeculation
63 12/F L + Hyperpigmentation 2nd pm - Altered trabecular pattern ill defined, sclerotic appearing bone
64 11/F L None None None Hypoplastic tooth root dilaceration Sclerotic bone
Heggie, Gastshore [31] 65 7/M R None Widespread erythema ulceration 1st pm, 2nd pm Root resorption multiple pulp stones Smaller right sinus irregular shaped, superficially
(1 case) Absorbed trabecular and haversian bone with resting lines
Present case (1 case) 66 10/F R + Hypertrichosis 2nd pm None Altered, irregular, vertically oriented trabeculae

None = negative observation, + = positive observation, pm=premolar, m = molar, NS = not stated