Table 2: Mean size of the periapical lesions and analysis of matching control and experimental groups.

Groups Histological analysis Mean size in mm (Minimum-maximum) P* value
G1 No inflammatory reaction No lesion 0.2
G2 Chronic inflammation mild 1.7 mm (1.3-1.9)
G3 Chronic inflammation mild 1.5 mm (1.2-1.6)
G4 Chronic inflammation moderate 1.65 mm (1.3-1.8)
G5 Chronic inflammation mild 1.5 mm (1.2-1.7)
G6 Chronic inflammation mild 1.6 mm (1.4-1.7)
G7 Chronic inflammation mild 1.46 (1.1-1.5)

*p value resulting from the comparison between groups.