Table 1: Shows the mean and standard deviation of each group for remnants of gutta-percha/sealer and GuttaFlow across all systems and regions, as well as the total results.

Region System Groups
Mean ± SD
A* B* Mean (A*, B*)
Coronal Reciproc 22.91ABa ± 11.34 11.7Ab ± 11.54 17.31A ± 12.53
PTN 25.3Aa ± 14.22 11.42Ab ± 12.49 18.36A ± 14.84
R-Endo 15.28Ba ± 14.07 12.06Aa ± 13.09 13.67A ± 13.34
Mean (Rec, PTN, R-Endo) 21.16a ± 13.46 11.73b ± 11.96
Middle Reciproc 14.71Aa ± 12.35 14.17Aa ± 16.1 14.44A ± 13.97
PTN 20.91Aa ± 13.81 11.5Aa ± 12.2 16.2A ± 13.57
R-Endo 11.09Aa ± 7.28 10.05Aa ± 12.05 10.57A ± 9.73
Mean (Rec, PTN, R-Endo) 15.57a ± 11.97 11.9a ± 13.16
Apical Reciproc 25.57Aa ± 13.06 14.73Ab ± 13.47 20.15A ± 14.3
PTN 25.58Aa ± 11.48 9.79Ab ± 10.07 17.69AB ± 13.27
R-Endo 13.34Ba ± 9.36 12.14Aa ± 9.86 12.74B ± 9.38
Mean (Rec, PTN, R-Endo) 21.5a ± 12.54 12.22b ±11.05
Total Reciproc 63.19Aa ± 16.65 40.6Ab ± 11.24 51.89A ± 18.04
PTN 71.79Aa ± 17.18 32.71Ab ± 21.21 52.25A ± 26.65
R-Endo 39.71Ba ± 12.96 34.25Aa ± 15.39 36.98B ± 14.13
Mean (Rec, PTN, R-Endo) 58.23a ± 19.77 35.85b ± 16.26

Means with the same letter are not significantly different from each other; lowercase letters indicate significant differences between groups (P < 0.05); uppercase letters indicate significant differences among systems (P < 0.05) A* = Gutta-percha/Sealer; B* = GuttaFlow.