Table 2: Laboratory results from the day of admission to the stay on the ward to the discharge day.

Admission day 5th day 10th day Standards
Temperature (℃) 39.4↑ ↓ 38.9↑ 36.6
Leukocyte (/ml) 15340↑ 18590↑ 24000 ↑ 4000-10000
INR 1.23 1.83↑ 0.92 - 1.3
Prothrombin (%) 72↓ 42↓ 78 - 120
Fibrynogen (g/dl) 5.83↑ 4.81 2.20 - 4.96
D-dimer (ng/ml) - 5116↑ 500
PT (s) 13.70↑ 20.10↑ 12.5-14.4