Table 4: Post Anesthetic Discharge Scoring System (PADS).

Vital Signs 2 = within 20% of preoperative value
1 = 20%-40% of preoperative value
0 = > 40% preoperative value
Activity and mental status 2 = Oriented × 3 AND has a steady gait
1 = Oriented × 3 OR has a steady gait
0 = Neither
Pain, nausea and/or vomiting 2 = Minimal
1 = Moderate, having required treatment
0 = Severe, requiring treatment
Surgical bleeding 2 = Minimal
1 = Moderate
0 = Severe
Intake and output 2 = has had PO fluids AND voided
1 = has had PO fluids OR voided
0 = Neither

*Total PADS score is 10; Score ≥ 9 considered fit for discharge;**PO = oral administration.