Table 1: List of Neurological Causes presented by the Patients.

N o Cause of lumbar puncture N Percentage
1. Headache of Unknown cause 38 31.6
2. Meningitis review 22 18.3
3. Convulsions 20 16.6
4. Facial palsy 4 3.3
5. Loss of memory 2 1.6
6. Language 2 1.6
7. Diplopia 4 3.3
8. Encephalitis 8 6.6
9. Normal pressure hydrocephalous 2 1.6
10 Neurosyphilis 4 3.3
11 Neurocysticercos is 2 1.6
12 Venus sinus thrombosis review 8 6.6
13 Mental disorder 4 3.3
Total 120